New Years Resolutions
At the time
of writing this, it is currently New Years Eve – a time when many reflect on
their last year, and make resolutions to make the next their best.
Putting it
bluntly, 2017 has been a pretty bad year as far as the modern times are
concerned, where the entire world is concerned anyway. Terrorism, erratic
behaviour from world leaders, sexual harassment claims in their tens emerging
from Hollywood: the list goes on. So I would understand if someone said this year
was horrendous from looking at this list, they would be right.
So on this
fine (rainy) Sunday morning, I was sat on my phone as many do, and I stumbled
across a story about a girl and her birthday cake. This looks like I have
entirely changed topic, but hear me out. A random stranger, who’s daughter had
sadly passed away, paid for the young girls cake, as they would have celebrated
their birthday on the same day. In the card he attached, it basically said “please
enjoy this”. And to me, this couldn’t have come at a better time because it
basically sums up 2017.
heartbreak and grief of the loss of his child was channelled into kindness. The
bad happenings eventually made other things better.
But still,
when looking back on this year, we shouldn’t just be stating the worst like I
did at the beginning of the post but find the good in everything.
The women’s
march, done as accused sexual predator Donald Trump was inaugurated, with 1
million marchers in Washington alone, with around 2 million others in different
parts of the world. This was the largest single day demonstration in US
history, and triggered other movements such as the “me too” campaign, uniting
those who have had similar experiences with harassment.
If you’re a Royalist,
the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are expecting again. Prince Harry and Meghan
Markle got engaged, releasing pictures that didn’t just show of wealth, instead
purely love.
Finally, my
main inspiration, Malala Yousafzai started classes at Oxford University; the
same university that the first female president of Pakistan went too. She was
shot five years ago by the Taliban for trying to go to school, and has been an
advocate for education rights ever since. The fact she made it to one of the
most prestigious universities in the UK after all of this happened just shows
that bad and hate doesn’t always have to win.
So in
conclusion, as we go into 2018, don’t make going to the gym, drinking less or
travelling more your only goals (even though they are all pretty great and you
should totally go for it), add positive mindsets too. It’s as hard as the ones
listed, if not harder, but will pay off hugely, and could even make you able to
complete your other resolutions, with only 1/10 do.
So when sat
on your sofa, tucking into a family sized bar of Cadburys on January 7 (not
judging I will too), remember to think positively, at least we’ll be warm!?
Lozza <3
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Positive vibes only